Texe Marrs False Teachings

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Texe Marrs, president of Power of Prophecy Ministries and RiverCrest Publishing in Austin, Texas, is a controversial preacher and author of several 'conspiracy' books. The reason The Refiner's Fire is challenging him is because of his anti-Semitic, hateful stance against not only the Jews, but also Messianic Judaism, in general. Below, we examine some of Marrs' theology.

  1. Texe Marrs False Teachings Of The Bible
  2. Critique Of Texe Mars Writings
  3. Texe Marrs False Teachings Youtube

Warnings of cults, world religion, satanism, Heretics, New Age, Kick the Pope, Caesar, and deceivers worldwide. Cursing Balaams, Vipers, and Lemmings exposed.

Some of the hateful rhetoric espoused by Pastor Marrs can be found at Who Are God's Chosen People? where he says, in part:

There has been much cancer and health woes in the family. Yet, Texe is a ray of sunshine in a dark and dreary world as Christ shines through him. I don't agree with everything Texe says, but we agree on the fundamentals of the Bible. I do agree that Zionism is a false doctrine, which Texe Marrs thankfully. False Ministries “The best false teachers tell as much truth as possible”-John MacArthur Blaming Jews: Texe Marrs (Conspiracy World), Nathaniel Kapner (Real Jew News) Blaming Catholics: Eric Jon Phelps “Vatican Assassins”, Dave Hunt “Woman Riding the Beast”, Jack Chick. A cross America and the planet, we are now witnessing an unheralded explosion of the most virulent forms of religious apostasy. Incredibly, this is just as Jesus and the Bible's prophets foresaw. Yet, only those with eyes to see and ears to hear are even dimly aware of the rising tide of perverted spirituality.

'Texe Marrs' Codex Magica Featured The Golem Monster' 'Endgame-The Illuminati Blueprint for Global Enslavement' Texe Marrs may be a raving lunatic, but there are enough crazed and deluded people in this country to provide him with the resources to continue producing his fantastical, anti-Semitic, misguided prophetic madness. Billy Graham: Illuminati Puppet For The One World Religious System By by Texe Marrs For years, a small army of faithful pastors, ministry leaders, and laymen have been warning Christians about the dangerous U-turn of Billy Graham into false teaching and apostasy. Marrs Completely Ignores the Scriptures in Esther. Esther 9:25, “But when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.” Texe says Esther and Mordecai said.

Everyday I get mail from sincere folks who are confused about the Bible's teachings on Israel. The typical letter writer or e-mailer says, 'Texe, I've been taught all my life that the Jewish race is God's Chosen People and that the Jews are Abraham's seed, heirs to the promise. Have I been taught an error?'

And my answer to these good, but propagandized and confused people, is yes, you have been misled! The scriptures tell us—and this cannot be contested—that:(l) The Jewish race is not God's Chosen People and..(2) The Jewish race is not Abraham's seed, and not heirs to the promise.

Who, if not the Jews, are God's Chosen People?

Answer: Why, Christians of course! Christians are God's Chosen People.

Really? WHEN did Christians 'replace' the Jews as God's Chosen? We challenge Marrs to provide us with chapter and verse! Marrs personifies the rampant anti-Semitism espoused in some churches! Perhaps someone should remind Marrs that he is a 'grafted-in' Gentile believer who does not support the root (Israel); the root supports him (Romans 11:18)! May it be understood clearly and never forgotten: Gentile believers have been grafted into Israel's tree, and they are nourished by the ancient Jewish root.

We, at The Refiner's Fire, suggest that Marrs consult the Holy Spirit to help him understand what the Bible REALLY says about the Jews:

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Genesis 12:3 - 'I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.'

Deuteronomy 7:6-8: For you are a people set apart as holy for ADONAI your God. ADONAI your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his own unique treasure. 7 ADONAI didn't set his heart on you or choose you because you numbered more than any other people - on the contrary, you were the fewest of all peoples. 8 Rather, it was because ADONAI loved you, and because he wanted to keep the oath which he had sworn to your ancestors, that ADONAI brought you out with a strong hand and redeemed you from a life of slavery under the hand of Pharoah king of Egypt.

In the above Scripture, God is speaking to Abraham and the Jews - NOT to the Gentiles! Nobody has replaced them. As a matter of fact, 'replacement theology' is a satanic deception! The Jews ARE God's Chosen and the Texe Marsses of this world cannot change that fact, no matter HOW they try to twist Scripture!

All human beings are God's creation and no one can Biblically claim the distinction of being better than anyone else. Historically, the world slipped away from its relationship with God, and eventually the entire world was submerged in idolatry. Abraham re-discovered the idea of one God, and chose to accept the challenge to change the world through an understanding of monotheism and morality. Through his dedication and willingness to give up everything for God, he was 'chosen' - and all his descendants after him - to become the teachers of morality. Abraham chose God, and thus God chose Abraham, and that is why the Jews are God's 'Chosen'. That does not make them 'better' than the rest of God's creation.

There are a myriad websites on the 'net that try to debunk this fact and make Jews out to be 'bad guys and weirdos' - from the likes of the KKK and other 'white supremacist' hate groups, to 'Christians' like Texe Marrs who support the idea of 'replacement theology'. (It obviously hasn't occurred to them that, had their supposed 'enemies' the Jews not be dispersed into the nations, then the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would have remained tiny Israel's secret. Had the JEWISH disciples not preached the salvation of Yeshua (Jesus), the Gentiles would never had had their 'new' religion of Christianity. But, rather than to be grateful, 'Christians' such as Marrs desire to tear the Jews apart with the words of their mouth and make the world believe that Jews are heathens who have been replaced by 'Christians'! Dream on, Marrs!)

Continuing, Texe Marrs explores the boom of 'Messianic Judaism.'

Entire congregations of Baptist, Pentecostal, even Presbyterian and other denominational churches are 'going Jew!' Their pastors demand to be called 'Rabbi.' Their people are wearing Jewish garments and are into Yiddish songs and dancing in a circle. Meanwhile, some are working on a 'Christian Talmud,' a book of laws and traditions for all Christians to obey. Of course, the 'Rabbis' of these churches are demanding their followers honor all the old Jewish holy days, including Purim, Rosh Hoshanah, Yom Kippur, etc. In some instances, Jesus is being changed into a mere 'Rabbi' himself, or one of many ancient Jewish 'sages.' Meanwhile, Jews who convert to Christianity are not Christians, they are said to be 'completed Jews.' Many in this fast growth, pro-Zionist movement predict it will eventually sweep away all vestiges of the 'old, obsolete Christianity,' replacing it with a new form of 'Judaic New Age holiness.'

Wow! 'Going Jew!' How anti-Semitic can one get? If Marrs would don the mind of Christ for once in his life and put aside his hatred for the Jews, he might actually learn that Messianic Jews and Gentiles don't sing 'Yiddish' songs - they sing Hebrew songs. Hebrew and Aramaic, just as a reminder, were the languages of our Lord Yeshua. Also, that 'dancing in a circle' happens to be Davidic Dance which is a physical expression of praise, thanksgiving and joy to Elohim (God).

Texe Marrs False Teachings Of The Bible

Next: If, in fact, 'some are working on a 'Christian Talmud', then those people are totally off the mark, because ALL that matters is GOD'S Word, and nothing else.

Question for ya, Texe, ol' buddy:WHEN and WHERE in Scripture did God ever tell us to stop celebrating the Biblical feasts? WHEN and WHERE did He tell you to celebrate Christmas and Easter, complete with their paganistic ideas and traditions? Did 'Jesus' fulfill Christmas and Easter in any way? Well, YESHUA (His given, HEBREW name which means 'Salvation'!) has so far fulfilled the first four BIBLICAL holy days, with three more to go (the next one should be the Rapture).

Furthermore, if anybody has changed Yeshua into a mere 'Rabbi', then they are off the mark and completely Torah-centered, and do not represent TRUE Messianic believers who know that Yeshua is the ONLY way to Salvation!

Marrs' jab, 'Meanwhile, Jews who convert to Christianity are not Christians, they are said to be 'completed Jews' again shows he doesn't have a clue what Messianic Judaism is all about. First of all, a Jew doesn't have to 'convert to Christianity'. Christianity is CONTINUATION of Judaism.

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Secondly, what's wrong with being called a 'completed Jew'? Rather than to poke fun at them, a REAL Christian would rejoice that the spiritual eyes of a Jew have finally been opened! A Christian who pokes fun at someone can only be called a hypocrite! And why are 'completed Jews' not called Christians? Because they are Torah-observant! They realize that God gave us a new COVENANT via yeshua, NOT a new Torah!

Marrs' article All Hail the Master Race starts out with the following nonsensical, supposedly Jewish quote: 'Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.'

He continues: If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, 'The Nazis.' Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority...

Now, why would a supposedly educated man like Marrs make such a stupid claim? Jews absolutely do NOT 'claim racial superiority'! GOD said the Jews were His Chosen. That does NOT in any way suggest 'racial superiority'! Furthermore, since the Jews are not a 'race' they can't claim racial superiority'! Shame on you, Texe Marrs, for deliberately trying to lead people astray! Race is a genetic distinction, and refers to people with shared ancestry and shared genetic traits. You can't change your race; it's in your DNA. But you CAN convert to Judaism. People of various races can be Jewish. So, the Jews are not a 'race' but a 'nation of people'.

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers..

..God is not a racist. He has no use for haters. In the Holy Bible, our Saviour totally refutes and condemns the heinous and unconscionable Master Race theory, confirming to us that there is nothing holy in men's flesh and blood: 'Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God' (I Corinthians 15:50).

In the Bible, King David flatly told the unrighteous Jews that even though by tradition they claimed they were gods, 'ye shall die like men' (Psalm 82:1-8).

The Jews fervently believe their blood is divine, and that only the Jews comprise a Holy Nation. They view themselves as 'God's Chosen,' a special Master Race. Their Zionist leaders smugly view other peoples as vermin, as inferior and of little value. The Jews and their leaders are sadly mistaken. They are in dire need of instruction and repentance.

Moreover, our God is preparing for them a great surprise. Unless they repent of their racism and sins and turn to Jesus Christ, these elitist Jews are going to a place where there is a lot of room. Indeed, Proverbs 27:20 and Isaiah 5:14 assure us that Hell is never full, and is always being enlarged. Thus, there is plenty of room amidst the flames for the ungodly Jews whose arrogance and pride cause them to esteem themselves the Master Race

And the above proves what? Again, rather than delighting in the fact that the spiritual eyes of most Jews have not yet been opened, perhaps Marrs should consider PRAYING that God would do so, soon! (Doesn't he sound EXACTLY like a White Supremacist?) The Talmud is nothing more than rabbinical commentary on the 'oral law' - something that doesn't even exist, because the Bible tells us that Moshe (Moses) wrote down EVERYTHING. (This renders Marrs' rant invalid, since he's fighting against something GOD never ordained!) Unfortunately, for the Jews, it's still a big deal.

In the meantime, Marrs should REJOICE that the Talmud even MENTIONS Messiah! (By the way, Talmud does NOT mention anyone named 'Jesus'..) The Talmud (thanks be to God!) even shows evidence of Messiah at 30 C.E. in ways most Christians have never even thought about! Perhaps it's time Texe Marrs got a REAL lesson in Jewish history from some place besides his own, limited mindset...

At Two Scorpions in a Bottle Texe Marrs writes:

Both Judaism and Islam reject the world's only true religion, Christianity. Judaism's holiest book, the Jewish Talmud, declares that Jesus was a blasphemer who, today, as punishment, is burning in hell in fiery excrement. The Koran, the holiest book of the Moslems, is more charitable and kind to our Saviour. The Koran teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God, but does portray Him as a lower-level prophet and messenger. However, this in no way makes Islam any less evil, or less satanic a religion.

..In sum, both Judaism and Islam have a hellish, war-making and destructive theology that is far, far removed from that of Christianity. The New Testament urges Christians to be peacemakers. ('Blessed are the Meek'—Jesus) and to love their enemies. The Talmud and the Koran both say, in essence, go out and seize. Plunder!

If there is a distinction in theology, the more favorable, more altruistic intent would have to be on the side of Islam. The Moslems are commanded to make Allah (not God—Allah) the focus of their lives. The Jews religion and theology persuades them that they collectively are God!

Truly, what we have here, on international display, are two deadly scorpions coming up out of a bottle. It would have been best to keep both the scorpions in that bottle but, stupidly, America has removed the cork on the bottle and the two have now come forth, boldly springing into action before our eyes.

The TRUE religion is Christianity? If that were the case, then ALL CHRISTIANS would be Torah-observant, and celebrating the BIBLICAL feasts and the God-ordained seventh day Sabbath! Christianity is a continuation of Judaism and was never meant to be a separate form of worship. Messianic Judaism, which he tries so hard to debunk, honors those Jewish roots because we adhere to Torah. Unlike Marrs, we haven't forgotten the fact that Yeshua (Jesus) was a Torah-observant, Biblical feast and Sabbath keeping, synagogue-attending/teaching, kosher JEW who said He came NOT to abolish but to fulfill/establish/confirm Torah (God's original teachings). Unlike Marss, we haven't forgotten that, without God's original teaching, NOBODY would know how to behave toward God and towards each other. Today's decadent world provides ample proof of what happens to people who ignore God's Torah..

'The Jews religion and theology persuades them that they collectively are God!' Prove that Jews actually allege that, Marrs! Find us a Jew who has actually made that statement! From the things you espouse, it is clear that you have been sent straight from the depths of hell to deceive the world and turn everyone against the Jews. Shame on you! We would LOVE to be a fly on the wall come Judgment Day because YOU have a lot to answer for!

At Conspiracy World.Com, Marrs offers the following to a writer:

First, please understand that the New Testament and the Old Testament harmonize. The whole counsel of God is consistent.

In the Old Testament, in Genesis, the land was promised to Abraham's seed. Galatians 3:26-29 in the New Testament identifies Abraham's seed as those who are Christ's, whether Jew or Gentile. In other words: Christians.

Whoah! Back up! Where does that verse say anything about 'Christians'? While that verse DOES tells us we are all ONE in Christ, it does NOT mean that suddenly God's promise to Abraham or the Jews have been negated, or that the Jews have in any way been replaced! As a 'grafted-in' Gentile, you will get to partake of the promise, but that's all. If you are a Gentile, then you're not a Jew; you are simply part of the whole who GETS to reap the benefits of God's promise. Period. End of story.

For those who might like to claim that the land was promised to 'Israel,' fine. Galatians 6:16 identifies Christians as the 'Israel of God.'

The Refiner's Fire CHALLENGES Texe Marrs to explain HOW 'Gal. 6:16 identifies Christians as the 'Israel of God.' Do you see the word 'Christian' anywhere??? What asinine arrogance! Taking Scripture totally out of context and trying to put God in a box!

Texe, the Land WAS promised to Israel! Genesis 15:18 promises that the Jewish people would have their own country: On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram He said, 'To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates..' This is talking specifically about the entire land of Israel. In truth, God gave more land to Israel than they possess even now!

Eekiel 36:8-10 says Israel would be restored as a nation and repopulated with its people: 'But you, O mountains of Israel, will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel, for they will soon come home. I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown, and I will multiply the number of people upon you, even the whole house of Israel. The towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt.' The prophet Ezekiel said that the Jews would return, rebuild and repopulate their fallen cities. In 1948, there were about 600,000 Jews living in Israel. Today there are around seven million! Many more Jews throughout the world are returning to Israel each year. How does THAT fit into your theory, Texe Marrs?

God even made one of His major end-time prophecies comes true (and in ONE DAY! Isaiah 66:7-8) in 1948 when, because the world briefly felt sorry for the Jews because of the Holocaust, and consequently returned Israel to them. God used the idiocy of HITLER to make one of His end time prophecies happen!..Hopefully, God will use the hypocrisy of Texe Marrs for HIS Glory, someday!

Indeed, the books of Daniel (Old Testament) and Revelation (New Testament) state that the kingdoms of this world shall become the property of God's people; that is Christians. Revelation 2:26 adds that overcomers (who have the testimony of Jesus) will be given 'power over the nations.' In other words, Christians will have power over all the nations, will possess all the land, including the physical nation of Israel and all Arab nations. Eventually, Peter says there will be new heavens and a new earth. This is God's promise to Abraham's seed fulfilled.

Bible lesson for Texe Marrs: Let's examine Revelation 2:26 IN CONTEXT!

Revelation 2: 26 To him who wins the victory and does what I want until the goal is reached, I will give him authority over the nations..

Nothing about 'the testimony of Jesus' or CHRISTIANS inheriting the property of God's people! However, let's check the Book of Revelation a bit further where it says:

Revelation 12: 17 'The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey God's commands and bear witness to Yeshua.'

Revelation 14: 12 'This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God's people, those who observe his commands and exercise Yeshua's faithfulness.'

Notice Yeshua isn't talking about just the Ten Commandments; He's talking about all of God's commands - TORAH. There's nothing to reveal that this refers to just the Ten Commandments. If it was talking about just the TEN Commandments, Scripture would have said so.

So that begs the question:WHO has the testimony of Yeshua AND keeps the commands of God? It's not the Christians! They ignore Torah completely. They don't even keep the seventh day Sabbath or the feasts! The correct answer here is: Messianic believers!

..Isn't it ridiculous for the Judaizers to exalt corruptible Jewish flesh when God's Word says that if a Jew (or Gentile) does not have God's Spirit, he is not of God?..

Isn't ridiculous for us to be reading the rantings of someone who doesn't know his Bible OR Jewish history? For someone to sit there, 'fat, dumb and happy', as the saying goes, and come across as ELATED over the fact that Jews don't know Christ, that person is NOT of God! He is an imposter, sent to lead the world astray!

Marrs has many more silly assertions, but enough is enough. You get the gist..

If the Judaizers wish to argue further, let them call God's Apostle, Peter, a liar, and me as well, because I agree with Peter and with the Scriptures.

The Refiner's Fire is not afraid to say it: Texe Marrs: You're a LIAR! Not only that, you haven't got a clue about God or the Bible, and we at The Refiner's Fire pray that the Holy Spirit will open your blind eyes, once and for all. If that doesn't happen, then you weren't of God in the first place!

No matter how much Marrs tries to defend himself against the allegations on his various websites, he IS an anti-Semite. Satan is the father of anti-Semitism, and therefore Marrs, who seems intent on spreading Satan's lies, must be a follower of Satan. As any discerning person can see, Texe Marrs sounds VERY MUCH like one of the false prophets that the Bible warns us about:

Jeremiah 23: 16 ADONAI-Tzva'ot says: 'Don't listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are making you act foolishly, telling you visions from their own minds and not from the mouth of ADONAI.

Critique Of Texe Mars Writings

Matthew 24: 10 At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, 11 many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people's love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out til the end wil be delivered. 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.

Texe Marrs False Teachings Youtube

Texe Marrs - Holocaust Dogma Unmasked
Texe Marrs is on the abrasive side for my taste, but in this series he makes a good point. Very worth listening.
In the 1970's, the stories passed down about the WW-2 German prison camps were welded together into a narrative we now call 'the Holocaust' - meaning 'the burnt offering.' Through telling and re-telling, the Holocaust has grown to a multi-million dollar industry, and has changed to mean something particular to Jewish history. It has been used to found a nation (Israel), and to justify many exceptions to morality. The Holocaust stories, taken together, have become a sort of religious dogma. Those who do not know, recite, and conform to this dogma, have been punished. Sometimes severely.
Investigations of physical evidence and original documentation, however, have cast doubts on the Holocaust narrative that has been formed. For example, areas claimed to be mass graves, have been found with modern investigative technology to contain no human remains. Testimonies of accused perpetrators show evidence of outright fabrication, or were obtained through torture. Many of the supposed eyewitnesses have provided stories riddled by inconsistencies, describe physically impossible events, or were even total frauds who were never actually in the camps.
If the Holocaust narrative is false, the ramifications are far reaching. Ethnic Germans have been slandered for decades on the basis of the Holocaust. Terrorism used in the founding of Israel was justified through it. It was even used to justify the slaughter, rape, and murder of millions of ethnic Germans after World War 2.
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